







社区和公民参与扩展了课堂之外的学习,因为学生和社区成员共同努力解决社区需求. 学生通常选择参加服务学习综合课程和电子学期项目, by participating in ongoing or periodic volunteer experiences, 通过组织讨论和行动小组.  


  • 与他人联系. Connect and collaborate with others both on and off campus through community engagement.
  • 扩展你的故事. 社区参与要求我们分享自己的故事,并深入倾听他人的故事,以此来增强同理心和善良的能力. 
  • 加深理解. 通过行动和反思, 社区参与可以照亮系统, policies, 以及使人类能动性成为可能或受到限制的过程.
  • 采取行动. Community engagement offers the opportunity to affect change through responsible social action.






Register for these courses and projects during the regular registration period for each term.



每周与当地机构一起参加志愿者活动, 比如家教或餐饮服务, 或者参加一次性体验, 比如另一个春假或服务日.

Contact the Krulak研究所 staff and monitor ENGAGE for announcements.



Facilitate or join awareness-raising discussion groups or activities, 比如选民登记运动, 筹款或写信活动, 或者在当前问题上学习圈子

Contact the Krulak研究所 staff and monitor ENGAGE for announcements.




    学生可以参加常规学期课程和探索学期项目,其中包括社区服务.  These courses and projects are offered in various disciplines which incorporate community-based work. 例如, 作为社会学课程的一部分, 学生可以在当地机构做志愿者,并根据课程概念检查这些机构的工作.  Or, 另外, 作为贫困研究课程的一部分, 学生们可以组成一个班级,对代理机构的客户或当地居民进行采访或调查,并与社区合作机构分享结果.  服务学习综合课程通常满足通识教育要求或专业要求, minor, 或者区别项目.  

    How do I enroll in a service-learning Integrated course or E-Term Project?

    Service-Learning integrated courses are listed in the annual course catalog and will be rise 3 -designated in 自助服务 as part of regular term and 探索术语 registration.  选择也将通过ENGAGE和其他地方进行推广. 

    • 秋季、春季、夏季学期课程. The following departments offer service-learning integrated courses during the fall, spring, 偶尔还有夏季学期:商务, 化学, 教育, English, 领导的研究, 公共卫生研究, 贫困问题研究, religion, 社会学, theatre, 城市环境研究. Check with individual departments to verify listings in 自助服务 for a specific term. 这条路线将被指定为上升路线 3 and the course description will include reference to service-learning. 一旦你注册了课程, follow any instructions on the course syllabus to complete your community engagement requirements.
    • 勘探期项目. Many departments and programs offer service-learning integrated courses during 探索术语, 包括旅游项目. Check the 探索术语 Bulletin for these and other opportunities; you can also talk with your advisor and other department representatives.
    • 简约的经历. 你可以设计自己的个性化社区参与项目,以获得与社区合作机构合作的学分.  与教师赞助商(和社区合作伙伴机构)合作,为学习合同起草提案. 你的合同可以使你从社区参与中获得的学习见解形式化,并确保你的工作获得学分. Details about completing an individualized learning contract can be found here.



    邦纳领袖项目是一个领导力发展项目,面向致力于社区和公民参与的学生. 这个项目将为你提供一个在社区组织工作的机会,并体验一系列丰富多彩的活动,这些活动将增强你的大学经历,帮助你成长为一个人. To learn more about commitments and benefits of the 邦纳领袖计划 visit this link申请邦纳领袖计划



    学生可以通过建立日常的志愿者经验或参加特殊的服务经验和项目与社区合作伙伴接触.  Regular volunteer opportunities can be found at multiple agencies, 包括曙光妇女庇护所, 橡树丘健康康复中心, 和城市部. Students typically volunteer one to three hours per week with agencies, 每周固定的时间. 

    可以在这里找到与我们合作的社区机构的名单 here

    Additionally, students can participate in special service day experiences.  These experiences provide a chance to connect with others in a short-term experience, 比如社区清理, 栖息地的构建, 或者其他一次性经历.  

    选择春假, 学生在从事服务的过程中加深了对自己和另一种文化或地方的理解. 参与者在旅行前以团队的形式进行准备. 在最近的春假期间, 团队在旧金山工作过, Boston, 纳什维尔, 密西西比墨西哥湾沿岸, 华盛顿, DC, 和伯明翰. 


    查找所有服务机会的列表, 包括工作日和春假, 在进行, 在星期一上午, and on the bulletin boards outside the Krulak研究所 office. 找出任何你可能感兴趣的.     

    If you do not see an opportunity that matches your interests, contact Krulak研究所 staff to discuss how you might initiate a new community partnership.  在这个角色中, 你可以主动发展伙伴关系,招募其他学生和你一起做志愿者.  

    If you are a member of a student organization looking to engage your members in community service, reach out to the Krulak研究所 staff to identify a service experience appropriate for your group.



    克鲁拉克学院和学生发展办公室都为学生提供了与他人就当前问题进行交谈并参与集体行动的机会, 包括写信活动, 筹款活动, 以及其他形式的教育和宣传.  

    How can I get involved or initiate a discussion action group?

    要参与这些活动,请关注周一早晨并查看ENGAGE上的服务列表. You might also encounter opportunities through your Greek or other student organizations.  If you have any questions, please reach out to the Krulak研究所 staff. 



    感谢您有兴趣与教师合作或与您的代理机构接待伯明翰南方学生!  Krulak学院的工作人员可以帮助您确定最有效的方法来建立伯明翰南方大学和您的代理机构之间的可持续关系. 

    To see a list of partners we're currently collaborating with, 点击这里.


    联系克拉克学院的工作人员,探索你的机构可能与伯明翰南方大学的教职员工合作的不同方式. 以下是一些需要考虑的事项:  

    • 考虑你的目标. 想想你最想从与学生或教师的合作中获得什么:你对定期志愿者最感兴趣吗? Do you have a specific challenge or project with which you want assistance? 你心目中的理想伴侣是什么样的?
    • 想想时间框架. Keep in mind that students are typically only available during 365英国上市官网’s academic terms (fall term, 探索术语, 春季学期, 和夏季学期),并经常在休息时回家. Faculty course planning may be similarly constrained; faculty research opportunities might follow a different timeline. How might these time constraints affect your goals or the timing for recruitment?
      Term 开始计划对话
      秋季学期(13周,8月下旬开始) 二月或三月
      勘探期(1月4周) 九月或十月
      春季学期(13周,二月开学) 九月或十月
      夏季学期(8-12周,5月下旬开始) 十一月或十二月
    • 考虑承诺、知识和技能的水平. 我们所有的学生都是本科生. What knowledge, skills, or time commitment might your partnership require? 你的合作伙伴关系是否需要对特定问题或专业领域的背景或熟悉? Are there particular skills that might be best suited to your partnership (e.g. 定量分析或人际交往能力)? How much time do you anticipate will be expected of others or of you to maintain the work?
    • 记住这是一种合作关系. In the Krulak研究所, we value long-term, sustainable relationships. 我们想和你们合作. That means we will want to maintain an ongoing conversation about the work, bringing relevant stakeholders into the conversation as needed, 包括克鲁拉克研究所的工作人员, 教员, 学生协调员, 和其他人. That also means that we will keep learning with you about how best to make our partnership work. In what ways can we foster mutual commitment between your agency 和伯明翰-Southern?



    服务学习综合课程和探索期项目使教师能够将课程学习成果与社区和公民参与工作联系起来.  服务学习集成课程和项目通常采用两种形式之一:基于地点的课程或基于项目的课程.  在地课程邀请学生在当地机构工作或做志愿者,作为提高课程学习成果的一种方式.g.(本学期每周辅导学生一次).  以项目为基础的课程与当地机构合作,与该机构的代表合作完成一个能力建设项目(e).g., surveying local residents and sharing the results in a town hall, or creating promotional materials for an agency initiative). Faculty can develop and offer service-learning integrated courses in any discipline. If you are interested in developing a course, please contact the Director of Service-Learning. 


    • 确定课程. Think about a new or existing course that would benefit from work with the community. Build on your own expertise and consider how your work might overlap with existing community needs. If you are currently collaborating or working with a community agency, consider how your disciplinary and professional expertise might overlap with that agency’s interests.
    • 申请资助. Krulak学院提供课程开发暑期津贴,用于开发服务学习综合课程和项目. If you would like support in identifying agencies or community partners, 与服务学习主任联系,在你的初步建议之前探索可能性. The Associate Provost sends requests for proposals each spring.
    • 与合作伙伴机构会面. 取决于你的方法, plan to connect with the partner agency well in advance of the start of the course. Doing effective community-based work requires collaboration and intentionality, so plan to connect with your community partner to clarify expectations and shared goals.
    • 设计课程. Effective community-based courses integrate the community work with other aspects of the course, using regular reflection and discussion to assist students in learning from their experiences. 你需要在课程设计上保持灵活性,并注意社区工作可能出现的问题.
    • 告诉学生. 在课程大纲和课程目录中注明该课程是一门服务学习的综合课程. 这样做将帮助学生预测期望,并看到你的课程和社区参与之间的关系.


与Krulak研究所联系,电话:205-226-7717 (电子邮件保护)

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