



Moving to the Hilltop

Moving to the Hilltop


Message from Residence Life & Housing

We are so excited to welcome you to campus! 我们鼓励您浏览此页面,以获取有关我们将采取措施以确保您的安全的重要细节, health, and well-being. If you have any follow-up questions, reach out to us at [email protected] or 205-226-4726. We look forward to seeing you soon, and go Panthers!


    Move-In Information

    Move-in dates are announced by email each year. 一年级学生通常在第一天上课前的星期五搬进来, typically on a Wednesday. 转学生和返校学生在第一天上课前的周日入住.

    Early-Arrival Dates: 每年夏天,学生领袖们都会回来为新学年的开始做准备, 以及根据NCAA官方入住指导方针和赛季前开始日期的运动员. 作为这些小组的一部分的学生已经得到了他们的顾问和教练的确认和沟通.

    请确保您的黑豹检查表已经清理完毕,并且您已经为所有将协助迁入的车辆打印了黑豹通行证! We look forward to seeing you on the Hilltop very soon!


    What to Bring/Not to Bring

    Things To Bring

    As you plan your journey to your new Hilltop home, remember that we supply your bed frame, mattress, chest of drawers, wardrobe, desk, and desk chair. As you pack, remember to throw these things in the car!

    • Standard Wattage Microwave (1000 Watts or less; it is better to only bring one for the room/suite to share)
    • Mini-Fridge (4.6 cubic ft, 允许冷冻附件-如果房间里有多个,你可能需要堆叠)
    • Alarm Clock
    • Blankets
    • Cleaning Supplies
    • Clothes Hangers
    • Computer/Laptop
    • Curtains with Tension Rod (Blinds are provided)
    • Fan
    • First Aid Kit
    • Flashlight
    • Trash Bags
    • Laundry Supplies/Baskets
    • Mattress Pad/Topper
    • Bed Linens
    • Cleaning Supplies
    • Pictures/Posters
    • Shower Caddy & Supplies
    • Shower Towels
    • Surge Protector 
    • Under-Bed Storage
    • Trashcan
    • Painter’s Tape or Command Strips that won’t damage walls


    Things To Leave at Home

    住在学生宿舍将是一个独特的经历,你将记住你的余生. We want to make sure you have the best possible living environment possible, so we ask you leave the following at home:

    • Candles, incense, fireworks or weapons
    • Halogen lamps
    • Pets, except fish in a small tank
    • Masking tape, duck/duct tape, nails, screws, or any other product that may damage paint or wall surfaces
    • No two-pronged extension cords -- only three prong cords are allowed
    • No hotplates, toasters, toaster ovens, or any electrical appliance with an open or exposed heating element
    • 可能干扰所提供的无线网络的无线路由器或设备
    • Self-Made Bed Risers or lofts of any kind
    • Alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia

    Residential Accommodations


    为了公平地考虑残疾人士的住宿要求,需要提供相关文件. 所有请求都将由居住生活办公室和无障碍协调员逐案考虑, and when needed, in consultation with the Director of Counseling Services, and the Director of Health Services.

    For more information, contact the Office of Accessibility.

    Policies and Procedures

    Residency Requirements

    所有的学生都被要求住在校园里,直到他们获得高年级的地位. 那些来自伯明翰地区半径10英里的学生可能与父母或法定监护人住在一起. Admitted students may request to commute through submitting a Request to Commute Form. 请求将由一个委员会审查,并不断作出答复.
    重要的是要注意,经济援助计划是基于住宿学生而产生的. Should a student be approved to have commuter status, financial aid may be impacted with reduced funding.

    Requests 被归类为通勤学生的学生将由通勤申请委员会根据以下标准进行审查:

    • Distance from campus 
    • Financial hardship 
    • Family circumstances 
    • Students who enroll and are already 21 years of age 
    • Other relevant factors


    Roommate and Building Assignments

    No residential assignment is made on the basis of race, religion, color, disability, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation and to the extent specified by law, age or veteran status. No specific assignment based on a student's request is guaranteed. Each resident may select a roommate or roommates, as appropriate based during the application process. 学院将根据需要决定重新分配或其他占用变化. In some cases, 为了维护秩序,学生可能会被重新分配到不同的宿舍, health, safety, or welfare of the student, building, or College; written notice will be provided in these situations.

    Vacant Spaces and Consolidation

    To maximize occupancy and efficiency, 学院保留合并房间和调动学生的权利,如果在同一建筑物的其他地方有空置的同性空间,以创造一个开放的房间. Consolidation will occur at the beginning of each Fall and Spring term.

    The College may reassign a vacant space in a room or apartment at any time. While efforts are made to notify students of any changes, a new roommate may be assigned without prior notification. 如果一个房间或公寓没有被完全占用,并且居住生活办公室不期望分配一个合格的新室友, 从空置之日起至学期剩余时间,学生可以有机会支付空置空间的私有化费率,以确保空间保持空置状态. 如果学生支付了秋季学期的私营化费用,而春季学期的空间需求很高, 住宿生活办公室可以将学生分配到该学期的空间.

    Compliance with Birmingham-Southern College Policies and Procedures

    Every student at Birmingham-Southern College must comply with all Federal, State, local, and College laws, rules, and regulations, including those outlined in the Housing Agreement and Student Handbook. 学生应该了解他们的权利和责任,以及住房协议和学生手册中概述的政策和程序. At all times, 学生必须尊重宿舍内所有社区成员的权利和财产, apartment building, and Greek communities, regardless of their background, beliefs, values, or attitudes.

    每位住院医师都同意承担责任,并对自己的行为负责, for proper use and care of the residential facility, assigned space, common areas, and all other College property, and for the action of his or her guest(s). 学生应确保客人遵守他们的住房协议和伯明翰南方大学学生手册中概述的所有学院政策.

    Right to Enter

    学院保留在未经居民许可或通知的情况下进入任何住宅空间进行日常维护的权利, housekeeping purposes, health and safety inspections, and damage inspections. 每学期将定期进行健康和安全检查,并至少提前24小时发出通知. 授权学院人员有理由相信违反联邦, State, local, and College laws, rules, and regulations have occurred may enter room without notice.


    Student Employment

    The Office of Residence Life seeks talented, outgoing, 以及勤奋的学生,他们欣赏并承诺努力促进所有学生的包容. 有兴趣申请成为常驻顾问的学生可以在即将到来的学年的春季学期提交申请.


    Recycling at 365英国上市官网

    伯明翰南方大学重新承诺在大学生活的各个方面促进回收利用, including inside our residence halls and apartments. 365英国上市官网在校园中心和宿舍楼周围维护室外回收容器,并收集所有校园建筑中的混合材料回收. The College has also moved to single-stream recycling, so paper, plastic, aluminum, steel, and cardboard can be combined into one container. 山顶村公寓有一个回收垃圾箱,可以更好地为该地区的居民服务.

    We encourage all members of the 365英国上市官网 community to recycle paper, plastic, alumnium cans, 在校园的任何蓝色垃圾桶或指定的回收垃圾箱里都有钢罐. 请将经批准的可回收物品放入蓝色垃圾箱,以确保我们的回收尽可能保持清洁. Learn More about recycling at 365英国上市官网 and how you can do your part! 

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